There are two SCSI driver standards that are available for most SCSI HBA’s. The older standard (SCSIport) has been replaced by a newer technology (STORport). STORport allows faster I/O, duplexing and other advantages. You should use the STORport drivers for all HBA’s when available. This is especially revelant for FC cards. The details are: [more]
Classic SCSI (SCSIPort):
commands were queued on an adapter/LUN basis
Maximum number of I/O's per adapter is 256, with 16 LUN's per adapater
Queue limit on LUN level, with a maximum of 20 outstanding I/O's
If one LUN reaches it's limits all other LUN's will be blocked as well
Will remain for direct attached storage
No limitation on adapter queues
Each LUN has a queue limit of 256 outstanding I/O's
Designed for Fibre Channel attached storage
Exchange and SQL will probably not be using Storport directly
Except for SQL RAW disk functionality which will bypass volume management (for higher performance)
More details: