Often times, we come across a physical or virtual machine that has multiple drives on the same disk. It is common that the left partition is the C drive and it has run out of space, or we want the drives separated when we convert the machine from a physical machine to a virtual machine so that we have more flexibility.

Using the VMWare vCenter Converter, we can split the disks to separate VMDK files. This can be achieved when converting the machine from a physical machine to a virtual machine or a virtual machine to a new virtual machine.

  • On the Options page, click Edit in the "Data to copy" section
  • Click Advanced
  • Click Destination Layout
  • Suggest changing the drives to "Thin"
  • Click "Add disk", select the disk you want to split, and click "Move down" until it is listed under the new disk
  • Complete the job wizard and run the conversion job