I've run into this issue a few times over the past few months and the fix has been roughly the same each time. Typically, what will happen is that a user account is created in Azure AD with a specific username/UPN. Later on, an account will be synced from the on-premise Active Directory environment with the same username/UPN. Azure tries to automatically reconcile this during the sync by renaming the synced account and appending numbers to the end.
Naturally, this is a problem if you need the on-premise AD account to be the authoritative copy. The first thing to be resolved is whatever is causing the conflict in the first place. Once that is resolved, Azure won't automatically rename everything back. Not to mention that once the account is already synced, it won't auto update the account as the source has not been changed since the original sync.
Since deleting and re-creating the on-premise account isn't always the best option, your solution is fairly simple – update the attribute on the source side to some bogus value, force a delta sync, update the attribute back, and force a delta sync again.
For example, if the email address of your on-premise user is tuser@domain.com and the Azure AD account shows the SMTP attribute is listed as tuser5589@domain.com, update the primary SMTP value in the proxyAddresses attribute to tuser1@domain.com and force a delta sync. Azure AD should then show tuser1 as the primary SMTP value with tuser5589 no longer listed. Once you see that, change it back to tuser@domain.com and force another delta sync.
I've had to run through similar steps with the proxyAddresses and the UPN attributes for the conflicting objects.