Security Testing Report Card Results

In February 2006, we began submitting a report card to our clients following each security engagement. Report cards are our way of gauging whether our customers are pleased with both the services and value they received. Below are our average grades compiled from all validated submissions.

Report Card
Area Grade
{{field.Title}} {{field.Scores[year] | scoreOutput}}
Overall Grade {{overall[year] | scoreOutput}}
Would you recommend CoNetrix {{recommend[year] | percentageOutput}}

Grade Scale:

A - Excellent (A+ = 100, A = 95, A- = 90)
B - Good (B+ = 89, B = 85, B- = 80)
C - Average (C+ = 79, C = 75, C- = 70)
D - Needs significant improvement (D= 60)
F - Failing (F= 50)