CoNetrix Tandem Software Modules are Candidates for 2012 Innovative Solutions Award

CoNetrix is pleased to announce that two of the CoNetrix Tandem Security & Compliance Software modules are candidates for the BankNews 2012 Innovative Solutions Award. The two modules are the Tandem Compliance Calendar and the Tandem Internet Banking Security Program.

The 2012 Innovative Solutions Award, sponsored by BankNews, recognizes companies that have introduced or significantly enhanced products designed to help community banks become more efficient, expand their capabilities and, ultimately, better serve their customers. The Innovative Solutions Awards are presented in four categories:

  • Equipment / Hardware Solution
  • Consulting / Outsourcing / Training Solution
  • Management / Operations / Processing Solution
  • eBanking (Mobile/Online) Solution

CoNetrix Tandem Compliance Calendar is a candidate for the "Management / Operations / Processing Solution". The Tandem Compliance Calendar is a complimentary new module designed to help financial institutions effectively manage regulatory requirements and schedule compliance tasks.

CoNetrix Tandem Internet Banking Security Program is a candidate for the "eBanking (Mobile/Online) Solution". The Tandem Internet Banking Security Program was created from the latest supplement to the FFIEC guidance Authentication in an Internet Banking Environment. The program is divided into two components: Internet Banking Risk Assessment and Customer Education / Awareness Program.

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