Customer Testimonials

Quontic Bank has been using the services of CoNetrix for 5 years now. I have to say that we deal with many different vendors in our business but CoNetrix stands out as the most accommodating and customer friendly. From our account management team, to the folks that do program maintenance, there is always a positive attitude on the other line or in person! It just makes the ever increasing IT compliance burden so much easier when you deal with dedicated and knowledgeable professionals!

We signed on with CoNetrix in 2007/2008 to help create the policies we needed for all the new products we were migrating to and to assist in creating programs and documentation as well as performing our annual Audit. The assistance I am provided with when I have questions or issues is as outstanding today as it has always been. I could not handle my IT responsibilities in this area if it wasn't for CoNetrix. Thank you.

We really appreciate our relationship with CoNetrix. Information Security is becoming exceedingly more critical and more difficult for a financial institution to manage without the specific type of expertise and focus CoNetrix provides. I have been working with CoNetrix for six years and all of their people, without exception, have been pleasant and helpful.

Our CoNetrix consultant is awesome to work with and extremely knowledgeable and helpful. It would be extremely difficult to review and update our Information Security Program each year without his help and experience.

I've been in banking for over 49 years and have worked with a lot of outside audit and consulting firms over the years and I have to say that CoNetrix is one of the most efficient and professional firms I have ever worked with.

I just worked with the best CoNetrix auditor who was completely prepared upon arrival having reviewed ALL the documents that I provided ahead of time. I was informed of issues as they were discovered and had time for discussion. Bankers don't like surprises at an exit meeting. In fact, we even had a pre-exit meeting which was a great tool as we were able to include our Network Vendor who was able to address some of the findings immediately.

We could not be happier with the service and report quality that we get!!! Also, I love Tandem and have seen first hand how it has helped with our regulators and their understanding of our system.

Everything from CoNetrix is top-notch!

This was the first GLBA audit of our IT department and [CoNetrix] was very helpful as we assembled everything and gave great suggestions. I would definitely recommend you guys to anyone!

We have nothing but great things to say about CoNetrix. They provide an excellent product and follow it up with superb service and personnel. I have found that CoNetrix listens to their clients and is always enhancing Tandem to make it more user friendly.